De Facto Lawyers Melbourne

If you are experiencing the breakdown of a de facto relationship, our Melbourne lawyers will help you understand your legal rights and obligations.

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“I cannot express how grateful and how thankful I am to you for all of your hard work on our case.  Finally we can move on feeling safe. So again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Louise – Queensland

“Thank you Jacky and everyone else at Forte for all your hard work and expertise on my and my children’s behalf. It’s a fairly spectacular result that I’m extremely pleased with.”

Leo – Melbourne

Divorce Lawyers Melbourne

Accredited Family Law Specialists

Our De Facto Lawyers Provide Legal Support For All Family Law Matters

Understanding the process of legal separation for de facto relationships compared to a divorce can be confusing, as there is less available information, and a de facto status can be more ambiguous to interpret.

De facto relationships can be harder to legally define, but there are specific family law guidelines on what constitutes a de facto couple. Our team has extensive experience helping our clients with parenting and property matters after de facto relationship breakdown.

Why seek advice from our de facto lawyers?

In-Depth Expertise

Our team has the experience to guide you through complex de facto separation and family law issues with confidence.

Accredited Specialists

Our team of Accredited Family Law Specialists is recognised for their expertise and commitment to delivering an exceptional, professional service.

Supportive Guidance

We offer clear, pragmatic advice, providing the support needed during what can be a difficult and emotional time.

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Melbourne De Facto Lawyers

Helping You Through The Legal Complexities Of De Facto Separation

There are many people who are in a de facto relationship without realising it. In other instances, people mistakenly think that being in a de facto relationship has given them property rights after a breakup that may not, in fact, exist.

Whatever the case, if you are sharing a home with someone you are in a relationship with, it’s good to be clear about the laws that may affect you if a breakup occurs. If you have found yourself managing parenting or financial matters after living with a de facto partner, get in touch with the highly skilled team at Forte Family Lawyers.

What Is A De Facto Relationship?

If you live with another person on a genuine domestic basis as a couple and are not married, your relationship will be defined as de facto after a certain timeframe.

In deciding if the parties are in a de facto relationship, the court looks at all the circumstances of the relationship, but particularly at:

  • How long you have been together

  • The circumstances of your relationship

  • If a sexually intimate relationship is present

Related Article: Proving The Existence of a De Facto Relationship

  • The degree of financial dependence or interdependence and any arrangements for financial support between them;

  • The ownership, use and acquisition of their property;

  • The degree of mutual commitment to a shared life;

  • Whether the relationship is or was registered under State or Territory law as a prescribed kind of relationship;

  • The care and support of the children; and

  • The reputation and public aspects of the relationship.

A de facto relationship can exist even if:

  • The parties live in separate towns, cities or even countries;

  • The relationship is not exclusive;

  • The couple does not live together full-time;

  • There is no sexual relationship or

  • One person is legally married to someone else or in another de facto relationship

Each case is decided on its facts. Some facts may indicate that a de facto relationship existed, and others may indicate that it did not. There may also be contradictory indications that the de facto relationship started or ended at a particular time. The whole picture must be considered, and attributing greater importance to certain factors is not helpful, as every relationship is different.

Meet Our Team Of Family Law Specialists

Our team, include a number of IAFL members, and can guide you through every aspect of de facto separation, divorce and family law.

Jacky Campbell


Wendy Kayler-Thomson

Wendy Kayler-Thomson


Jason Walker


Customer Reviews

David T.
I would personally like to thank Jacky and Matthew for their assistance during a difficult period in my life. They made the ordeal seem seamless and kept me up to date with all aspects of my matter. I would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone who requires a family lawyer.
Gunter L.
Jackie Campbell and her associates provided our family the highest quality service in a very difficult matter. At all times Jackie shared her professional experience with compassion, expert clarity and focus to follow process in order to allow settlement in the best interest of the younger family members who matter most in family disputes. If ever required we would not hesitate to utilise her services again and highly recommend Forte Lawyers to others seeking a high quality expert family lawyer.
Christopher S.
Legal Minds retained Jackie Campbell (Partner) of Forte Family Lawyers to prepare an expert witness report that was relied upon in complex litigation in the NSW Supreme Court involving six parties. The matter concerned the drafting and procedures required for entering into a purported financial agreement. Jackie was focused, punctual and delivered a comprehensive analysis that all parties considered making it possible to settle without the cost and imposition of ongoing protracted litigation. We are grateful to have had the benefit of Jackie's professional knowledge and expertise to assist us and would not hesitate to retain her services again.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a de facto relationship?

The definition of a de facto relationship is simply when two individuals are living together on a basis that is considered a genuine domestic situation.

To be in a de facto relationship:

  • You cannot be legally married to each other;

  • You cannot be related.

It need not be an exclusive relationship and can exist even if one person is legally married to someone else or in a concurrent de facto relationship.

For the Family Law Act 1975 to apply to disputes about property and/or to make a spousal maintenance claim following the breakdown of your relationship, you must have been living together for at least two years. If you don’t meet this requirement, the Act may still apply if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • One party made substantial contributions, and a failure to make an order which recognises those contributions will result in a serious injustice;

  • The couple share a child or children or;

  • The relationship has been registered by law in an Australian territory or state.

What other factors are considered to define a de facto partnership?

Further factors taken into account when defining a de facto relationship include:

(a) the length of the relationship;

(b) the extent and nature of their shared residence;

(c) if an intimate or sexual relationship is present;

(d) what the financial arrangements both parties consist of, and if there are any financial support arrangements in place, or if financial interdependence or dependence exists ;

(e) how property is owned, used, and has been acquired ;

(f) the level of commitment from both parties regarding a shared life

(g) if the relationship has been registered at any time under relevant Australian laws as a prescribed kind of relationship;

(h) how children are cared for and supported, and

(i) the public reputation of the relationship.

How do we organise parenting matters after a de facto relationship ends?

If you and your former partner have children from your de facto relationship, you have a few options for deciding how care and responsibility (child custody) will be managed. Parenting arrangements can be made formally, through consent orders, or informally through a parenting plan.

Many people choose to use consent orders to finalise both financial settlement and children’s matters, but every relationship is different. Parenting disputes can be managed with the assistance of a family lawyer, through mediation, family dispute resolution, or, if there are no other options left – in court.

How are de facto relationship property rights assessed?

Under the Family Law Act, de facto family law issues are treated similarly to those of previously married couples as long as a genuine de facto relationship is determined. Financial settlement is assessed based on a number of factors that take into account both parties’ roles and contributions during their time together.

Assets can be divided by way of Consent Orders or a family law financial agreement. If consent orders are opted for, the court will need to ensure that the agreement is a fair settlement for both parties.

What is the legal process for property settlement for de facto couples?

1. It is essential to take into account both partners’ current interests in all assets, such as the family home, debts, and financial resources, when calculating the “net asset pool” that will be divided. If you have difficulty reaching an agreement about the value of a particular asset with your former spouse or partner, it may be beneficial to ask for assistance from an expert.

2. Before any asset split is actioned, it needs to be determined if the division of the property pool is just and equitable (fair). In some cases, each individual will keep the assets they have, and in other cases, an adjustment will be made on behalf of each party via binding financial orders.

3. If a just and equitable property settlement is to be made, it’s important to consider the contributions each party has made during their relationship and since separation. These include:

All financial contributions made by either party or on their behalf, including those at the commencement of the relationship, should be taken into consideration. Wages, presents, and inheritances are especially significant in this regard. Additionally, any existing property owned prior to the relationship must also be noted.

Non-monetary contributions made by both parties – or on behalf of them, like taking on responsibilities as a homemaker or parent and any home improvements, are also considered.

4. When determining the post-separation circumstances and ongoing requirements of each party, it’s important to take into consideration a number of factors, such as:

  • The health and age of each party

  • If one spouse or both have custody over children from the relationship

  • Earnings, future job opportunities and potential income of both parties

All of these aspects markedly influence the division of assets.

5. The court ensures that the ruling is just and appropriate, taking into consideration all factors of the specific case. If not already determined in a prior stage, whether there must be a division of superannuation or how much should be split may also become an issue at this point.

What is the timeframe for living together before being considered as having a de facto relationship?

Despite popular beliefs, there is no ‘magic’ number that defines when de facto relationships become official. Many people say it’s six months or two years, but this isn’t actually correct.

How long a de facto relationship lasted is just one of the factors that will be considered if a legal matter arises. Your particular circumstances will be assessed, and it must be shown that there was a mutual commitment and that you were living together on a genuine domestic basis.

After a timeframe of two years, you may apply to the Federal Circuit Court for property orders to be made, but this doesn’t mean they will be granted. Many aspects of a relationship will be considered. Even if you’ve had a shorter relationship, you may still be able to apply for property settlement, especially if there are children involved or you have made contributions that are deemed significant.

When can a de facto party make a property or maintenance claim?

The existence of a de facto relationship in itself doesn’t automatically entitle a former partner or current de facto partner to anything in a property settlement agreement. Family law courts take a number of factors into account, such as:

  • How long you were together

  • If you had any children together

  • That the person making the claim contributed to the relationship substantially, whether financially or otherwise, this includes earning a wage, home duties, bringing property into the relationship, raising a child, business income and inheritances.

  • If the result of not making a financial order would create a serious injustice to the party applying

  • If the relationship is or was ever registered under a prescribed law of a State or Territory.  

  • There are time limits that apply to making a claim, too, which means that any requests to divide property or assets must be made within 2 years of a de facto separation.

If you live in Western Australia, you will need to apply to the Family Court of Western Australia. Anywhere else in Australia, you will need to make a claim through the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

What am I entitled to after the breakdown of a de facto relationship?

You may be entitled to a property settlement or maintenance. De facto partners have the same rights as married couples, provided they meet the definition of a de facto relationship and the requirements for an application to be made. Maintenance is usually only ordered for a short time before property orders are made or implemented.

Is there a set property split for de facto separations?

There is no fixed formula for working out how property is divided after the breakdown of a de facto relationship. The factors that need to be taken into account include:

  • Whether it is just and equitable to make property orders

  • The contributions of each party. These can be financial, non-financial, homemaking or parenting

  • Other factors such as income, future earning capacities and the care of children

We can advise you about how the law will apply in your case and the range of results you can expect.

How are disputes between de facto couples resolved?

Most couples negotiate a settlement and enter into consent orders. Family dispute resolution and mediation are useful to assist parties with this. If they can’t agree, all parenting and most property settlement disputes are resolved in the same way as disputes between legally married couples – in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

In Western Australia, they are resolved by the Family Court of Western Australia. Very rarely are property disputes between de facto couples resolved under state or territory law.

How do I prove that a de facto relationship has ended?

No formal document is required or available to prove that the de facto relationship has ended.

Parties usually resolve parenting and property issues by consent with the assistance of a family dispute resolution practitioner, mediator or family law firm. This agreement is usually documented in court orders. If they can’t agree, then one party may initiate court proceedings.

How does the court divide assets when a de facto relationship ends?

To determine how property division will occur, the following steps will occur:

1. All assets, financial resources and liabilities are identified to create a ‘new asset pool’. If there are items that you and your ex-partner are unable to agree on a value for, an independent valuation may be required.

2. It will need to be determined if it is equitable (fair) for an adjustment to be made in favour of either party, which is determined by criteria that the court defines.

3. If it is deemed to be fair to split the property in a certain way, a binding financial agreement will be drawn up. The following factors will be considered:

What financial contributions did both parties make during the relationship? This will include everything from daily living arrangements to major purchases, loans from family members and family business interests. It will also consider who owned what at the start of the relationship and if either party has significant debts. Wages, inheritances and gifts during the relationship are also looked at closely.

What both parties contributed in non-financial ways, or what others may have contributed on their behalf. This can include caring for a child, housework, running a business or home maintenance and renovations

Consider the short-term and long-term needs of both parties after separating, such as:

  • How old both parties are, and what their health is like

  • If there are children, who will have care

  • How much both parties earn

  • What future employment opportunities and earning ability both parties will likely have

These factors can significantly play a part in the outcome of court proceedings.

The court will then assess whether the outcome is fair or appropriate after considering the many variables at hand. If not accounted for prior, a superannuation split may also occur at this stage of proceedings.

What property is included for division between a de facto couple?

When negotiating property splits, all types of property and interests in them are considered. This includes:

  • Real estate
  • Businesses
  • Partnerships, trusts and private companies
  • Shares and other investments
  • Bank accounts
  • Art, wine collections and jewellery
  • Household belongings and furniture
  • Cars, boats, caravans and motorbikes
  • Assets that are overseas
  • Debts – both parties’ debts will be considered as part of the asset pool

It doesn’t matter if assets are joined jointly, individually, or with third parties; they will be assessed.

In some instances, if one party controls a property, even if they don’t own it, this may be divided into a property settlement. This includes assets that may have been transferred to someone else or family trust assets.

Expected inheritances are rarely considered property but may still be assessed as part of an individual’s long-term ability to manage finances. They are often seen as a ‘financial resource’, the same way that long service leave or other owed payments, such as outstanding loans or royalties, may be.

For personalised guidance on your unique situation, reach out to our experienced Melbourne de facto lawyers today to discuss your circumstances in detail.

Contact Forte Family Lawyers


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+61 3 9248 5800




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