Subpoenas, the costs of production and opposing production
Subpoenas are often an extremely useful way to obtain documents which are not produced through the usual disclosure process under the Rules of the Family Law Courts. For example, subpoenas can be used: As an alternative to enforcing disclosure; or To obtain documents which are not subject to the duty of disclosure because they...
Privilege against self-incrimination in family law proceedings
Family lawyers often struggle with the timing of when to seek a certificate for their client under s 128 Evidence Act 1995 (Cth). Section 128 deals with the privilege against self-incrimination. A certificate is commonly sought to protect a client from criminal charges, such as for tax or Centrelink fraud. Recent decisions of...
Another Strahan case—loss of legal professional privilege
Legal professional privilege is the privilege of the client, but lawyers need to ensure that the privilege is not unintentionally lost. Sometimes it is lost by waiver, but it can be lost in other ways. The Full Court of the Family Court, in another appeal in the protracted Strahan litigation, Strahan & Strahan [2013]...
Asset split in Family Court matter: financial planner’s report was significant
Thomson Reuters Weekly Tax Bulletin & Thomson Reuters Separation and Financial Services Bulletin Family Court proceedings are fraught enough as it is with the emotional issues involved. But the necessity of splitting assets etc frequently brings in tax and superannuation issues … and therefore much complexity (and more...